I begin to reason in my own mind, “It smells like soup, it boils in the pot like soup and all the ingredients I like in soup are there. Why can’t I taste the soup?” It’s like women have this superpower to hear unspoken words, because my wife interrupts my thought by saying, “It takes time for the soup to be just the way you like it.”
What a novel thought in our instant society. I am reminded that the Bible tells us that it takes faith and patience to inherit the promises of God. Often times we mistake delay for denial. We think that when we pray and it doesn’t happen in our time frame then God didn’t answer our prayer. Nothing could be further from the truth. Trey, our 16-year-old son, put it this way, “God answers prayer three ways; yes, not right now or I have something better for you.”
God hears our prayers the moment we pray. The Bible tells us “Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.” We have our answer now, regardless of what we experience. The notion we have to fight against is our willingness to accept less than what God has for us. We want it right now. I could have had right now, instant soup, or had a bowl of not quite ready yet soup, instead my patience awarded me with Kate’s delicious homemade chicken noodle soup. Don’t give up on God and accept anything less than a God-made miracle. Sit back and enjoy the process, knowing that what you are about to receive no one can take away from you. I know, I waited 38 years for my miracle; it was worth everyday of it.
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