Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why Me?

     Sitting in a cold hospital pre-op room with nothing on but a hospital gown, blanket and shower cap, I sat there ready for the routine procedure.  The nurse had just drawn my blood and the entourage of medical staff had already asked their questions.  I was ready…so I thought.  

     I still sat there wondering why I was there.  This routine procedure was usually conducted in the doctor’s office.  I had tubes placed in my ears before, but never this.  I wondered if I didn’t have good insurance would I even be here.   Things were taking longer than before.  This surgery was not my first rodeo.  I had five surgeries before this and three of those were eye surgeries.  What was taking so long?

     At that moment a team of doctors rushed in and it was as if time stood still, as one of the doctors told my wife Kate and I, “We can not do the surgery, your kidney’s are failing.” I couldn’t tell you what the doctor said next, because one thousand thoughts ran through my mind.  There one thing I couldn’t let go of was…”Why me?”

     Regardless of the situations we may face in life, we may have asked ourselves this question a time or two.  Why me?  What did I do to deserve this?  Was I being punished for a sin I was already forgiven of?  Did God hate me?  Here are three things I learned that help me through this situation:

  1. God is a good God.  Even though I have made mistakes in my life, His response to those mistakes is grace and not judgment.  Jesus said he came to give us life, and life more abundantly. Satan comes seeks to steal, kill and destroy.  People ask all the time, “If God is such a good God, why do so many bad things happen?”  The answer is simple we live in a cursed world, the minute Lucifer was cast out of Heaven to this earth, it’s been cursed.  That is why when Jesus Christ returns He will establish a new heaven and new earth.
  2. God trusts us.  God trusts us to go through what we are facing.  Two times in the Bible Satan asks for permission into someone’s life.  In the Old Testament it was Job and in the New Testament it was Peter.   Both times he was allowed access, but he could not take their lives.  The good news is that our sickness does not have to be unto death.  The situations we face are not meant to kill us but to make us stronger.  Weakness is replaced with strength and meekness replaces pride. 
  3. God still answers prayer.  Delay is not denial.  There isn’t a payer that God doesn’t hear and answer.  When Daniel prayed, the archangel Gabriel told him, God heard him the moment he prayed.  However, the demonic prince of Persia delayed Gabriel.  When Daniel began to fast the warrior angel Michael was sent to assist Gabriel to bring Daniel’s answer to prayer.  Who are our angels working for today?  Don’t give up your answer is on it’s way.

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