Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Don't Get Dissed

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Original Author Unknown

We have a choice to make when faced with life challenges.  We can choose to enjoy life despite those challenges or we can allow life to dictate our mood and keep us down.  I choose to make the most of my situation.  We should not focus on what we cannot do but rather focus on the things we can do.  Then we need to do those things with a spirit of excellence, passion, and fervency.   

There are three things we need to avoid when dealing with life challenges and possessing a victorious life.

Discouragement – The biggest battle we face is the battle that goes on in our mind.  Hopefully no one wakes up in the morning and says, “Let me see how miserable I can be today?”  When going through kidney failure the toughest step that I had to make was to overcome the pain that riddled my body and decide that I was going to make the most of my day.  Discouragement would try to mask itself differently everyday.  I had to learn how to encourage myself.  Well meaning medical staff would make comments that would make a grown man want to give up and die.  People who didn’t understand what we were facing would make unrealistic demands of us.  Or there were days that my body just couldn’t handle another day of pain.  Thank God for a supportive wife and my son Trey who wouldn’t let me quit. 

Disconnected -- Another area you need to be aware of is disconnecting your self from society and from those who really can help you be victorious.  After I decided that I wasn’t going to let kidney failure keep me from living my life at the moment.  I would volunteer to go to the hospital and visit people.  I would encourage them that they could make it.  Every morning I had to overcome the desire just to lie in bed and bury my head under the blanket.  I would literally force myself to leave the house.  I couldn’t do all of the things I used to do, but I could do something.  I volunteered, served and walked as if I were already healed.  This was before I experienced the greatest miracle of my life.

Dismissed –Stop dismissing yourself from your purpose in life.  Why do adults stop dreaming?  There is neither vision too big nor task too cumbersome for God to perfect in your life.  We tend to settle for less than what God has for us.  If your dream is to start a franchise, seek the counsel of someone who has succeeded at doing it.  Don’t get your advice from people who never owned a franchise.  They can’t help you do anything but dismiss your aspirations.  

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